Toby Archive

Project Auto Movie Part 5

The Project Auto Movie has been coming along smoothly with Dayzed50 and I gathering moving clips and post Mustang racing blogs getting for this step. Now we have

301 Direct Files

I have recently redone a real estate website and one of the procedures was to create a 301 Redirect file to make sure old pages would be redirected

Happy 4th of July

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate the United States independence and our continued freedom. It is a day for many Americans to spend time with family and friends while

Linking Strategies Explored

Over the past year there has been many changes across the internet regarding linking strategies and how effective they will over the long haul. To me there are

Commodity goods on the web

I have been doing some thinking regarding commodity goods and the vast number of websites selling similar goods. The number has to be astounding and getting a website